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Double Patty Grilled Cheese Burger πŸ₯ͺπŸ”

Double Patty Grilled Cheese Burger πŸ₯ͺπŸ”

Double Patty Grilled Cheese Burger πŸ₯ͺπŸ”

πŸ“ Ingredients:

  • ground beef patties πŸ₯© - 2
  • cheddar cheese πŸ§€ - 2 slices
  • thick bread 🍞 - 2 slices
  • butter 🧈 - for grilling
  • parsley 🌿 - for garnish

πŸ‘¨‍🍳 Instructions:

1️⃣ cook beef patties until juicy πŸ₯©.
2️⃣ place cheese on patties and let it melt πŸ§€.
3️⃣ butter bread slices and grill until golden 🍞.
4️⃣ stack bread, patties, and garnish 🌿.
5️⃣ serve with fries & ketchup πŸŸπŸ….


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