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Russian dough

  • 65g icing sugar
  • 65g of almond powder
  • 25 g of flour
  • 40 g of whole milk
  • 150 g of egg whites
  • 25 g of powdered sugar
  • a pinch of fine salt
  • icing sugar

Pour the icing sugar, almond powder and flour into a salad bowl.  Add milk and mix.  Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer with a pinch of salt.  Tighten the whites by adding the powdered sugar in two batches.  Incorporate ⅓ of the whites into the dough and mix to soften it.  Add the remainder and mix gently.  Pour onto a baking tray, smoothing the surface.  Sprinkle all with icing sugar.  Bake at 180°C for 10 to 12 minutes.  Leave to cool then cut out 4 biscuits of identical sizes 20X10 cm.

Pistachio praline butter cream

  • 100 g of egg yolks
  • 100 g of water
  • 140 g of powdered sugar
  • 260 g of softened butter
  • 130 g of pistachio paste

Pour the water and caster sugar into a saucepan and heat to 118°C.  Place the yolks in the mixer bowl and start whisking when the syrup reaches 115°C.  When the syrup is at 118°C, pour it over the yolks and whisk until cooled.  When the dough has cooled, gradually add the softened butter cut into pieces while stirring at low speed.  Finally add the pistachio paste and mix.


Place your first biscuit at the bottom of your frame.  Soak with a brush in a syrup (water + sugar).  Cover with ¼ of the buttercream.  Place the 2nd soaked biscuit, the 2nd quarter of the buttercream.  Cover with the 3rd soaked biscuit and the 3rd quarter of buttercream.  Finally finish with the last soaked biscuit and the remaining buttercream.  Smooth well and refrigerate.

Serve whole or cut the cake into individual pieces.  Sprinkle with icing sugar at the last moment and decorate with a few unsalted pistachios.


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