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How to prepare Peanut Porridge /Kunu geda

How to prepare Peanut Porridge /Kunu geda

How to prepare Peanut Porridge /Kunu geda


  • 1 cup raw  peanuts
  • 1 cup rice
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
lemon juice


1• soak the peanut well peel the skin grind the peanut into a paste.
2• Place in a bowl and add enough water to thin it down to be as light as melted ice cream.
3• Using your clean hand or balloon whisk mix the groundnut paste into the water.
4• Line a clean pot with a chiffon cloth and pour your groundnut milk through it to strain out any solid bits.
5• Soak the rice for one hour.
6. Blend the soak rice with water.
7• Add rice to groundnut milk and place pot over medium heat.
8• When it starts heating up, stir with a wooden or plastic spoon so that the rice does not stick to the bottom of the pot.
9• Don't cover the pot and don't leave it unattended.
10• The Peanut and rice will boil and foam. Once the foam is only on the sides and the middle is clear, your Peanut Porridge is ready.
11• It would have thickened by now.
12• Take off the heat and add lemon juice.
13• To serve, add Milk and sugar to taste


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