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  •  For the flan:
  •  500 ml of milk
  •  500 gr of cooked or roasted pumpkin
  •  8 tablespoons cornstarch
  •  4 tablespoons of sugar
  •  1/2 peel of a lemon
  •  For the caramel:
  •  5 tablespoons of sugar
  •  5 tablespoons of water
  •  1 splash of lemon juice


 1. Peel the pumpkin, cut it into pieces and cook it in a saucepan with water until it is tender.  If we prefer it roasted, we will put it in the preheated oven at 200ยบ C in large unpeeled pieces and let it cook until it is tender.

 2. In a blender container we put the milk and sugar.  If the pumpkin is very sweet, we will put less sugar.  The sugar can be corrected later, so it's better to fall short than go overboard.

 3. When the pumpkin is ready, add it drained to the blender container (we will peel it and cut it into pieces if it is roasted).  We beat together with the milk and sugar until the pumpkin is crushed.

 4. We put a saucepan over medium heat and add about 2 fingers high of the previously beaten mixture.  When it starts to boil, remove it from the heat and add the cornstarch tablespoon by tablespoon to dissolve it little by little, stirring constantly.  Put the saucepan back on the heat, over low heat, add a little more of the batter and stir.  We will repeat the last operation until we have poured all the smoothie little by little.  The final mixture should look like a thick cream.

 5. Before the mixture thickens, add the lemon peel, stir for 1 minute and remove.

 6. To prepare the caramel, we will put all the ingredients to heat in a small pan or saucepan, over low heat.  We let it cook until the mixture changes color and turns a golden color, not very dark.

 7. In a large container or several small ones for single doses, pour the caramel in the bottom and then pour the mixture that we had cooked with the cornstarch.

 8. Let it cool in the fridge for at least 1 hour.  It is advisable to cover the containers so that the upper part of the dessert does not dry out.


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