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Cookies filled with dulce de leche and chocolate😋🥮🧁

 Cookies filled with dulce de leche and chocolate😋🥮🧁

Cookies filled with dulce de leche and chocolate

Ingredients :

  •  shortbread dough
  •  150g lard (butter)
  •  100g of powdered sugar (icing)
  •  225g flour 0000
  •  25g corn starch
  •  5g of baking powder
  •  1 pinch of salt
  •  1 egg
  •  1 tablespoon of vanilla essence
  •  Besides
  •  Chocolate cover
  •  500g of pastry dulce de leche


 Form a sandblasting with cold butter, sugar, flour, starch, baking powder and salt.

 Join the dough with the egg bound with the essence of vanilla.  Form the dough with the help of a spatula or cornet, without kneading.  Stretch between two pieces of film until the dough reaches 4 mm thick and take it to cold for 20 minutes.

 Cut 4 cm diameter discs and rings of the same diameter.  Bake at 170°C for 7 minutes and then cool to room temperature.

 Bathe the rings with melted chocolate and place dulce de leche on the discs.  Bind.


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